I live in a bathroom.
I had to move out of my room so my cellie could use the toilet. My cell is a 7' x 11' room (8' ceiling) that contains a toilet, sink, 18" x 3' writing surface, and a 6' x 2 1/2' bunk bed. I have the bottom bunk. The other fixture in the room is a pair of side-by-side 2' x 3' x 2' deep lockers, one of which is for me to keep all my worldly possessions in.
Right now I am sitting in the "common" area of my dorm. It is a two-story area with 32 cells on each level. We do have doors to our rooms and the only bars are on the windows. I have my headphones on and I’m listening to NPR (National Public Radio). I am very lucky to have a transmitter for public radio right near here in town.
We have four TV's hanging up in the day area and you tune your radio to hear the audio. We do not get any "premium" channels. Most of the time one TV is always on BET and two are on sports, usually basketball and/or football, leaving just one that might actually have a show worth watching, but with all the commercials for all the things I do not have access to. Well suffice it to say, God Bless NPR.