The unmistakable sound of gunfire.
I’m in one of those funky moods here. I just caught part of a conversation between two staff members about how she shot a perfect score. You see, at the start of each new fiscal year, October 1 for the Feds, all of the employees have to qualify on the firing range. And I mean all the staff. The only ones supposedly exempt are the Chaplains, and I am willing to bet that the ones here would love a chance to fire at us. Even the secretarial staff must qualify.
Something new and exciting this year is the new onsite firing range. They used to have to go into the town and use the local police range. Well, although we cannot see this range, it is only a couple hundred yards from our Rec Yard.
So as I was walking back to my unit before lunch today, I could hear the unmistakable sound of gun fire. While there are no firearms on any of the staff inside the fences, the knowledge that they all are shooting at targets on the grounds makes one think that someday they might have to shoot at us prisoners.
So you keep asking what it is like here, so there you have it, another wonderful Kodak moment brought to you by yours truly and those wonderful federal tax dollars that you so generously contribute.