Linux magazine?
I skipped all candy and doughnuts this week at the store and have walked each day mostly at least an hour, which is three to four miles, and my appetite jumps right up. I have burned through a good portion of the six 6-packs of Diet Coke to replace (not quite) the "comfort" value that was previously available in the M&M’s and Hershey’s.
So I did finish the first of the four James Bond books,
No Deals Mr. Bond. Unfortunately I have the other three books down at Rec due to a space shortage here in my locker. Not to worry, I am reading
Dead in the Water by Dana Stabenow, which is one of the two mysteries in the last batch. I finished the other mystery which was by Jonathan Kellerman called
As far as books go, I can usually find purpose for most anything you send and have even been pleasantly surprised myself by reading stuff I would have normally passed over! So I leave the selection to you and say as long as the shipments have some gender variation all will be well.
See that, the printing is going downhill. I will slow down and see if that helps! Right, like this is so easy to read! Ha Ha.
I am smiling now thinking about how it is like all of you reading this blog are on a fast, spinning ride, able to shout out to each other as the ride spins, and here I am jumping on saying something, getting tossed off into the darkness, and then some words get tossed off to me which I then try to respond to, but by this time, the rest of you are many revolutions (and revelations) ahead.
Jealous, yes, but that is life as I know it, and I am so very grateful for even a chance to jump on once in a while, and yes, I even enjoy in an intellectual sort of way being able to monitor the feelings this causes!
One thing I note, having spent the last eight hours locked in, my sinuses are starting to swell up and clog up the old nose. Hmm, am I allergic to prison air?
OK, I was going to quit writing several pages ago, but I hope you can read all this so far. As I write more, stuff floats into the gray matter. I was just about to tackle another subject, but it seems to have left me.
You know what I have been thinking? Maybe we could get me a subscription to a Linux magazine? Computer books are a problem, but I do get PC Magazine. If you know of one that could send me a sample copy direct or else maybe you could print a sample and then I could have Mom and Dad subscribe. No need to go overboard if you catch my drift, but first I need to find if it does me any good, then see if it makes it in.
Kind of like the Electronic Musician magazine I get. It has lots of reviews that make little sense to me, but then it has great articles on everything from the workings of the ear and microphone placement, to small business music setup, etc.
So perhaps a magazine that is Linux-oriented would be possible. Just another one of those things for you to do in your spare time! This of course is relevant to me if I am going to be joining the working public any time soon.
Thanks for the pages on the foundations. I will be sending them a letter to get any info they can send me. Another hopeful thing, I have asked Dad to start a subscription to the local newspaper so I might begin to get a sense of what is happening in the real world!
Well, I better get this in the box so the CO will pick it up and it gets in the mail tonight. It is now 9:30 PM.