Web searching by proxy.
I left the draft of what I wrote last night back in the unit, since I thought that I would be working with one of the officers tonight on what is needed to re-cover the seven pool tables we have. He is currently supervising the picture taking, and then we will work on the pool table project.
At 7:10 PM I went to see if the officer wanted to get some work done. He was sitting on the bench outside with the two other Rec cops who are working tonight. He said, "We could start at 7:30 PM, would that be enough time?"
Unfortunately, you never know around here.
Besides the time it will take to search the web for info, there is the always the threat that we will be sent back early. We did get sent in at 1:30 PM this afternoon due to the threat of a storm. The storm actually materialized, and we did lose power twice.
In this case, the early recall was justified.
It was raining still at 5:00 PM when we came back to Rec, although now it has stopped raining and is quite nice out, hence the officers sitting outside on the bench, working hard (ly).
The search of the web ultimately proved useless.
First of all, I am not even allowed to touch the computer, so I have to dictate what to search for. This is frustrating to be sure. I had the addresses of two sites I needed to look at: "
poolndarts.com" and "
bsnsports.com". I wanted to see if we could find any information on how to re-cover the pool tables.
I used both MSN and Yahoo with search terms of "pool table recovering" and got a list of all sorts of pool table companies. One entry actually had recovering in the title, but I could not find the info on their site.
True, I did not have the smartest searcher, and I am not up on web searching tricks. The point is, that since the boss made the 240/208 volt mistake with the kiln, I would at least like to start with the correct information if I could get my hands on it.