The only things that can be sent to a Federal prisoner are snail mail, postal money orders, and books sent directly from a bookstore or the publisher.
I have been on the wagon as far as chocolate goes for the last few weeks. I have been walking over four miles a day in less than an hour, and have managed to lose fifteen pounds. I am now hovering around 200 pounds.
I sort of figured, why do all the exercise if I am just putting those hard burned calories back on. Also, since I do find chocolate somewhat addictive, I am saving a few dollars too. I had inched my way up to two to three bags of Peanut M&M's and Hershey's with Almonds, and all that does is create the desire for more.
Since I can only go to the store once a week, if I am strong of will during the hour or so it takes to get my weekly "groceries", then I am able to be a "good" boy for the rest of the week.
Although it is against the rules to sell things to other inmates, a few of the more industrious inmates do run stores. While we are not allowed to have actual cash, you can buy a fifty cent candy bar for three thirty-seven cent stamps, or else you can pay him back on your next store day with two for each one he gives you.
Since I am not flush with money, the cheapo factor kicks in and gives me enough internal fortitude to prevent me from buying from the store too often.
But there are always those moments when only a chocolate fix will do.