In the future.
The way I thought this might work in the future is I will do this Dear Diary stuff, keeping a copy, and you get lots of stuff to read. You find things you like and write me back to say as Editor you want this or that story on the blog. I refresh my memory and type up the story for posting. The point is that this is private, long time writing feels good to me, and I am not as tense about hearing back from you.
In other words, I give you the bird's eye view and as Editor, you pick and choose the rewrites as it were. You see, about the only thing I can guarantee is that I can sit in my room from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM each night and put pen to paper. It clears the mind, helps with sleep, and while I like all the work you have does, it might give me a little more control over what gets on the web site.
Damn, 9:17. Well, let me spit this out. Part of me wants to say the hell with it.
I am also thinking of going ahead and typing the carbon copy as I go along. Since timeliness is not an issue. I would essentially type up to a page at a time, then probably still use carbon, sending you the original, to keep the all-typed stuff up.
If you can read this without too much effort and I do type it out, well, I think you will get more fodder that can make it out on the blog.