Final letter just received from Club Fed.
Well, it is 9:30 AM here at Club Fed and as you read this, I won't be here. Here today, gone tomorrow.
It turns out they closed my commissary account early this morning. So I would not have been able to shop anyhow. I am ready to move on!
I hope your turkey day was OK. By the way, I hope you are still writing to me every couple days. That way as soon as you get an address for me you can drop me a line quick!
A wonderful Thanksgiving present would be a positive response from the courts! If I do not hear anything today, then I know it will be a few weeks before the mail catches up to me. So I guess from that point of view, I can stop worrying about it.
Hopefully, the blog will not lose too much steam. I should be able to send out a few letters along the way so that might help too. If not, provided it is still OK with you, I know we can always start another blog! I will spend some time over the next day or so writing some more stuff to post.
I am cramming in the last hours of my radio use. I am actually listening to the Rock station as I write this. Classical is just too slow and calming right now, as if you could not tell from my handwriting!
Lunch today will be burger and fries. So let me take a break.