Pastor's kid.
It is now noon on Monday. I still have not spoken to Mom and Dad. I got out early yesterday for my one hour free time. Today it will be later, so maybe I can get through then?
If I bring up some church-related topic, Dad and I can talk just like the old days. Yes, being the pastor's kid was always a comfortable relationship between Dad and me.
I remember kicking some of my father/son issues around with one of the chaplains at Club Fed and he said I should try to separate the Pastor/Parishioner relationships away, leaving just the Father/Son. Unfortunately, once you stripped out the P/P, there just was not much F/S left. Enough on that for now.
With dinner here being done by 5:00 PM, it does seem like forever till 10:00 PM. Over the past several days I have spent most of that time reading and nodding off. So tonight I have parked my tail on the floor, folded back my mattress, and I am now writing using the bed as a desk.
I will now start a post that is a response to the blog comments I got. Then I will begin to rewrite my drafts of the last few days.
I spent some more time in the law library and found some cases that may have some bearing on my appeal. Nothing earth-shattering yet though.
Okay, so I think I have done it. I hope this letter is more readable than usual. I have pretty much been writing this stuff for three hours. I will mail this out tonight and rewrite my various chicken scratch stuff for tomorrow. I am definitely going to keep up the neatness.
The only downside for now is the lack of a dictionary, so if you do farm some of this stuff out for typing, my poor spelling will be obvious. But hey, if I take my time, even that should be less of a problem.
Hey, what naked pictures on
Deep in My Mind? You only sent me four pages! The printout said "Page x of 9"? I know you are a busy bee and I will wait sort of patiently for whatever you have time for.
PS I loved the NY Times articles. Real words. Not your average NY Daily News piece.