I just got back from Rec. I walked for a bit and then listened in on a conversation between two queens. One has done time upstate and at least the shower stories seem to be true. No individual stalls. Razor blades hidden inside the mouth to be ready to slash someone.
Since they do not read my mail, can you find some basic Linux stuff on the web? Maybe that will be one of the pleasures of my solitude. I know it is always better to be able to do programming examples, but maybe I can get a handle on the rudiments of Linux.
I also thought now might be a time to try email some responses to posters. I will have to print nice and you could just scan and send it as an image file. Would that work? Yes, they would see my unedited writing, so that would show all the work you have done!
Well, I am going to send a letter to Mom and Dad and will add the closing to this in a bit.
Letter to Mom and Dad done. Dinner served tonight was beef stew. I ate two plates. It was not all that good, but several steps better than Club Fed. This stew had real beef, not the gristle stuff Club Fed had.
I am going to talk to one of the gay/queen guys about giving me some stuff that we might include on the blog. I am not sure if it will be worth posting or not.