Time Lapse Photos.
When I arrived at visiting today, I found Mom and Dad sitting on opposite sides of a four foot square table. The table was covered with playing cards, about four or five decks, and they were sorting them out to make some complete decks. They wanted to teach me a card game.
After I sort of said OK, they then were deciding if they needed one or two decks since this would be a three person game. Then we finally get one deck and Mom says Dad and I should play while she sees how many more decks she can make.
Then after I get Mom to give it up, Dad is trying to give the second deck we managed to put together to one of the other people who was looking for cards and who had already put a couple of incomplete decks back.
It really is sort of typical and funny to watch. Each time Dad got up to hit the vending machines, Mom would say "
See, his hip is hurting him. I am going to send him to my hip doctor." Then when Mom got up to return the extra cards, Dad tells me how Mom’s hearing is getting worse.
I really wonder, what I am supposed to do? Plus, I am not sure, even if I could help, how much help Mom and Dad are willing to accept. But it conflicts somewhat with the consistent ratting out of each other I get each and every visit.
Then again, I was always close with Mom and Dad. So maybe this is just what is left over of our relationship.
I only saw them once last year. Strange, they do look older. Talk about time lapse photos.