All the News That's Fit to Print.
OK it is 3:00 PM and time for shift change. Only three of us went out to the Rec yard today, and when the other two guys got cold, we all went in after only one hour.
I am now waiting for mail call. I have actually read most of Thursday's and Saturday's NY Times. I want to write an occasional post for the blog on sneaky Friday news that ends up in the Saturday paper.
For instance, this past Saturday, the government seems to have approved additional oil and gas exploration in the Alaska North Slope. I read that in an article on the last page of the main section. You can be sure they would never announce that on a Monday!
Well, the mail just came and it looks like I got a bunch of papers. I can see a CO station out my window and one of the CO's was certainly looking at the NY Times. Well, maybe they will learn something, HAHA!
I picked through dinner and am now going to mix some tuna.
I did get the Friday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday NY Times today, so I have plenty of reading to do. The Sunday edition is the early edition, and all the others are late editions.
So let me make some tuna and stay up for that wonderful count.
It is still Wednesday, now 8:00 PM. I spent another one-and-a-half hours playing spades.
I am now reading Friday's NY Times. Did you see the two letters to the editor about hockey dads? I thought of you as I read it. Hmm, maybe I should enclose them in case you missed it.