Missed Opportunity to Visit.
Well, here is hoping that you found anything more exciting than visiting a prisoner. I am assuming that nothing went dreadfully wrong with your
medical procedure yesterday.
Yesterday morning they switched my cell to one of the lower level cells. There is no happy medium; upstairs it is too hot, down here it is too cold. I am sitting on a nice cold piece of steel, wearing a sweatshirt over my shirt and T-shirt and feeling chilled.
I did not do any writing yesterday due to the cold and the hope of your impending visit.
I received your ten book package yesterday (Saturday). I am not sure if that means they received it Friday or Saturday, but either way it is certainly a fast and efficient system. THANK YOU! Between my
NY Times and the ten books, I should be good to go for quite a while.
I spent part of the after dinner hour tearing out any articles of note from the
NY Times that I want to comment on or send to people that might be interested. I am enclosing the hockey dad letters just to get them out of here. I have pretty much read all the papers through Wednesday.
I have now played
Gin Rummy for two days with the pre-op transsexual. The
Spades players gave me some good-natured kidding.
It is very weird to say the least. She/he is a "performer" in drag shows and she/he even gets hormone shots every two weeks here in prison! I just thought I should let you know how your tax dollars are being spent!
So another week starts here in
state prison. I am hopefully moving back upstairs to warmer rooms.
I never did hear back from the federal parole people to find out why they filed the hold on me, but at this point, I am not going anywhere so it does not matter.
Well, enjoy the two articles, and I assume I will be getting a letter from you sometime.
P.S. The cell switch is due to painting, so if they do move me back tomorrow, my cell would have been drying for thirty-six to forty-eight hours.