My newest hell hole.
So much to tell and so little time to tell. This letter is sloppier than normal because the fucking CO's screwed up the point on this pen when they "checked it" while packing me up.
It is 8:15 PM and I have been here in my newest hell hole for three hours or so. To say the physical living arrangements suck would be too mild! I will have no job or program here, so essentially I have all my time to myself. And we get only two meals on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
Oh, where am I? Somewhere near Buffalo, NY. It took two days to get here! We took country roads to get here and saw nothing but farmland.
We are in a totally separate compound within the prison. We even have our own double barbed wire fence. Our dorm has the look of a cheesy high school gym or auditorium complete with a fifteen foot deep stage area.
The CO's sit on the stage and you have to ask permission to step onstage to talk to them. The bed setup is rows of seven bunk beds set against eight foot high partitions in the center area.
OK, I have one sixty-two year old guy that I ended up sleeping in the same cell with last night, and he is a can or two short of a six-pack! I just spent a half hour talking with him before I started this paragraph.
Damn, let's try again. My locker appears to be four feet high by three feet wide and two feet deep, stacked two high between each bunk. So you have locker/bunk, locker/bunk, etc. The two end rows, 1-7 and 42-48, have the luxury of not facing the center section, which is where I am; the bunk I am in is 18 upper.
We do have doors on two toilet stalls, but the shower is four stalls with translucent curtains plus an open area with six showerheads apparently dubbed "the car wash."
We have a "chick with dick" here who wears bras and all. Or so I have been told.
I have found one typewriter for $134 with 29Kb of memory. I will be getting the info tomorrow on some specific models that are already in here. So once I get a typewriter, at least I can type my appeals. Typing will have to be done prior to 11:00 PM, but I can even get a clip-on light to read all night.
I need to go try and shower, since I have not had one since Sunday morning and I am still wearing the same clothes since Monday. Let me go bathe and see if I have time to write some more.
Let me just mail this and take tomorrow to give you the "Dear Diary" details. I am mailing a short letter to Mom and Dad tonight giving them my new address. Hell, more tomorrow.