Thursday 8:00 PM.
I played another two hours of spades. Vinnie got pissed off at me and threw in a hand, but I ended up winning the game anyway. We did lose three out of five tonight. but nothing was really all that exciting. Just good practice of my jailhouse people-skills, which is not much use on the street since I will hopefully never meet people like this again.
Tomorrow is "shave, clean cell, shower" day. I did not walk at afternoon Rec today, so I will probably walk tonight.
Let me review this letter for any questions or things to do. You do realize that means I actually reread these letters!
Well, I read the letter and guess what? Nothing for the wish list. I have included a fast-answer page. Just circle the answers that apply and return it with your next letter. This way you do not have to reread this chicken scratch.
I really need to work on the emotional factors that add to my already hyper letter writing. Obviously I can print clearly when I put in the effort, so why not do it more often?
I desperately need to get a dictionary and a thesaurus to help with my spelling. I really do not want to get so sloppy that I regress. I also notice that there are words in some of the NY Times articles that I need to look up.
Well, that’s all for now. I hope all is well as can be at your house.