We have three different places to find a toilet. There are two booths in the shower room, but I think I will avoid that area except when I need a shower. There are two others out the door and down the hall a bit. They are opened 24/7 but the shower room ones are closed from 11:00 PM to 6:30 AM.
As far I know we only get one roll of toilet paper per week; we get a new roll each Wednesday. I have to learn to not use it for my runny nose. I have taken one of my extra washcloths and the "state" soap with me to wash the toilet seat, and then I use two or three squares of paper to dry the seat instead of covering the entire seat with toilet paper. So hopefully by doing this, my roll will last me a week.
I have now been told by two different inmates not to argue with our counselor. She is apparently a bitch on wheels and the last inmate to argue with her got a beating and was thrown in the "box".
I have a whole pile of articles to start writing on and hopefully within the next few days as things settle into a routine I can start some more serious writing.
I certainly will deal with the questions Alisha raised. In the meantime, tell her for me she did not cross the line at all and that I appreciate honest criticism.
I would say that part of the lack of more input has been the lack of the typewriter and my inability to edit stuff a bit before I send it. The day-to-day stuff flows easily and needs no editing as to order or content.
So yes please stand by readers, I promise to take this blog to the next level soon. As a matter of fact, let me try and track down the typewriter guy now! Be right back!
I am still waiting for the typewriter guy. He is supposed to be in library, but took some time to make a phone call.
It is currently 8:40 PM and I have been basically writing since 5:00 PM. Gee, it is great to have no real life!
Damn, he is still not back in the library at 9:00 PM. Time to pause.
Now 9:20 PM and I am fading fast. I am not sure if it is general tiredness, a possible lack of protein, or just lack of food in general, but whatever it is, this is not prime writing. I am going to sign off now, climb up into bed and wait for the 9:45 PM count and then take a hot shower.
Yeah, a shower two days in a row! What a gift! One must learn to celebrate the little things!