Wish List.
Well, I just sent a letter to Mom and Dad. This letter is also a clear example of the prison emotional rollercoaster.
Two major problems fixed themselves today. I heard from Mom and Dad and got the New York Times. One would think that after almost nine years in captivity, I would learn to be patient, but while I have made some life changes, it is still very hard to be out of sync or out of touch with those on the outside.
But I know how lucky I am to have support from Mom and Dad and your friendship. I know that I ask a lot of you, but I think I am getting a little better on lowering my expectations.
I had an idea. I will enclose a recap sheet with all future letters.
You would then have a ready reference of all the things I ask, and you would be able to pick and choose what you want to do. Once a particular list has had a box checked for each question, you would simply mail it back to me and that way I would only ask each thing once.
The returned list would serve as my reminder of things I have already asked you and what you thought of each idea. Also, by sending the list back to me, you will only have a couple of things from my wish list to deal with whenever you have time.
Since the list will be a recap of a fuller request in the letter, there is no need to copy or otherwise document the slip. Just complete it and send it back at your convenience. I will keep a master copy to prevent multiple and whiny requests.
Let me see if this letter has any requests in it.
OK, so I reread this letter and I came up with two wish list items. I have entered them in the master log and let us see how this goes.
I do not know if you are still planning to come see me this Sunday or not. I think I made it clear that I do expect to move soon; it could still be another month or so. I really do not have a clue.
If you are having that medical procedure on Saturday, I am not sure how you will be feeling on Sunday. I will certainly be here Sunday, but just for drill, call Friday night or Saturday morning to confirm.
So, that is all for now. I am going to enjoy some chocolate milk, cookies, and Thursday’s news.