Yes, one can be alone in a roomful of people. True, using the word people to define some of the occupants here is stretching the definition a bit, but I am very lonely. I am working through it. Slowly and not necessarily all that surely.
I did a couple of Monday and Tuesday New York Times crossword puzzles last night to get feedback as to my existence as a thinking and somewhat intelligent person. I think tonight I will pull out the Sunday NY Times magazines which I have been saving and see how many Sunday clues I can get!
I am reading a book a day, and struggling to not get ahead on my soda and candy budget! Yes, it is true, sugar is a drug. Of all the weeks to screw up and not get the diet soda! It seems to me that I am better able to nurse a can of diet soda, and it does not leave me with as strong and urge for more sugar.
It could be all in my head but then again that is exactly the point; this place is all about messing with your head.
Talk about cosmic link ups, I had just finished reading one of the books you just sent in the day it arrived. Go figure the odds on that one. I had not read the Patricia Cornwall you sent and am working on that and the "Encounters" book now.
They have just changed the rules on all electric items. From now on all such items must be in a clear case. This includes the hot pot. I am not sure if my parents were able to order that metal pot yet; if not, I will have to go with a plastic one. The clear case typewriter costs over $200 and does not have any of the features of the one I own. At least I got this in before they changed the rules. I can eat cold food if I have to.
It was getting a little warm here in the dorm; my chocolate bars were a little soft. But tonight it will be on the chilly side since they have apparently shut down the heat but not yet turned on the chillers. So I am glad for my extra blanket tonight!
I hope life is treating you well and that I will hear from you soon. Just a gentle nudge, I know you will write, and the books this past week show me you are alive!