Prison Pete

Friday, April 22, 2005
  Media Review Guidelines.
I have finally gotten a copy of the "Media Review" guidelines. While they claim they are not reading individual letters that are sent, they do say while they encourage differing points of view in printed form, they will scan them to be sure that the articles do not contain any specific threats or directions that might interfere with the security of the prison.

For example, you can get Anarchy Publications, but specific articles talking about specific acts a prisoner should do to storm the administration building would be deemed unacceptable. Naked pictures are allowed provided they do not depict S&M, bestiality, etc.

As far as a limit to the number of articles that can be sent in a letter, they do say five articles is the limit, and that they should not be stapled together. The point seems to be that they do not want to be responsible for holding up a personal letter in order to properly review "Media" publications.

So one thing you could try, only if you find yourself with a bunch of free time and decide to print a bunch of blogs, is to put them in a separate envelope and mark the outside "For media review." That might blow their mind or not.

The rules call for a weekly meeting of the review committee and stuff is only forwarded to them if the mail room thinks it may not meet the standards. The bottom line is as long as you send in five or less pages (two and a half pages printed on both sides), there will be no problem. Mind you I have only had one note from mail room so far, so for now I do not see it as a major problem.

There is no mention as to acceptability of computer programming books and I might try to order one or two from Hamilton down the road. Once I get the appeal done, I would really like to get a basic programming book on Linux. But that is down the road.
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