Pretty good writing?
The following was what I typed in last night after the typewriter burped all my hard work away. It would probably make a good post.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Life is a bitch and then there is technology. I just spent three hours typing my handwritten letter.
God, this is cruel and unusual punishment. I no longer wonder why you would be pissed off after typing one of my letters. Bad enough you had to put up with the whinny tone of most of my letters, but typing them out is surely pure agony. Having tortured myself, the typewriter decides to add to the mayhem and my agony by dumping all data in the memory. Two-and-a-half pages gone into the celestial bit bucket! So now what to do? I know, wait for mail call and see if I can get dumped on some more.
I am typing this directly into memory without printing. I am sitting on my bed feeling real sorry for myself. I was able to borrow a screwdriver and I opened up the beast hoping to find a loose chip. I did not see one but I pushed and shoved all the connections anyhow. Did I fix it? Who knows? It is only as fixed as the next time it dumps all my data. I could send you the scratch copies and see if you could scan them, but I think I will type them all again. I need the practice. At least this time I can type them from the typed copy. Maybe I will just lie down and read something.
Could be I am a little biased, but I think the above is pretty good writing. Certainly it is a much better description of the mood than the first paragraph I wrote today.