Wireless Notebook $1.03!
I thought that might get your attention! I wonder if it will be picked up by a search engine as a good deal.
It is a true statement, right off the commissary sheet. The listing reads: "Wireless Notebook $1.03".
You can rant about how good we prisoners have it here in prison. Wish you could get a good deal like that?
The $1.03 wireless notebook is what they are calling the old standard black and white marbled cover composition notebooks. Most of us remember them from grade school when we would need several of them, one for each subject.
Why they do not just list it as a composition notebook and not torment me every two weeks as I check off the items I will be buying from the commissary, I do not know.
In keeping with the goal of proving myself creative even under the adverse condition of prison, I took one of those full-page ads for an IBM ThinkPad and used it as a book cover. It is folded over the book in such a way that the front of the notebook now shows the full ThinkPad keyboard.
I even purchased a second notebook, at $1.03 who could resist, and that one has a cover that shows the question from a Macy's ad, "What inspires you?"