Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz and Beethoven's Ninth too!
It is a relief to have finished the legal work, all that remains is for me to address the envelope and put on the postage.
It is 6:30 PEI and I am listening to Beethoven's Ninth as I type the draft of this post. I need to catch up on the half dozen letters that need to be written, the fourteen days of New York Times that need to be road. I received yesterday's paper (Wednesday) today, and might receive one more tomorrow, but then will have three days of no mail to hopefully put a real dent in the newspaper pile.
While I have let a few things go over the last two weeks while toiling away at the legal stuff, I have kept up with my daily walking. I got on the medical office scale today and I am now down to 207.5 pounds. It is the first time in many months that I have been below the 210 pound mark.
It seemed to me that all that was happening from my daily hour of power walking was an increase in the appetite. I was pleased with the results when I stepped on the scale this morning.
While I have been doing four miles per day in one hour, I have decided to try and up the ante a little bit. So far this week, I have added a second hour of walking on Monday and Wednesday. I will complete the pattern with an additional hour tomorrow (Friday).
I can usually do between forty-five and fifty laps in one hour's time. It takes about 12.2 laps to complete a mile.
On Monday and Wednesday I completed eighty-five and ninety-six laps respectively. Not only have I managed to eat lots of healthy food, lose ten pounds, I have also increased my stamina!
I had decided that no matter how much "work" I had to do, the walking could not be sacrificed; besides the obvious health benefits, it also is a time to clear out the cobwebs, and produces a good portion of those somewhat elusive endorphins.
While the previous post mentions a rollercoaster ride, there is that blessed relief at having completed something within a deadline that was not mine to control.