I Got it Done, and Now I Am Pissed Off.
Well it is now 8:30 PM on Monday evening, and I have been sitting at the typewriter since 1:30 PM. This is the longest I have been 'working' in the last four weeks. Why am I pissed?
Well I finally finished a post on 'Time' that had at least three different drafts deleted, and more mental writing time spent on it than I care to account for. Why is it finally done?
Well the reason is simple; I sat here and got it done. I have all the tools and supplies I need. The new print wheel and official ribbons solved all the fuzzy print issues. All that is required for me to get back to printing out my writing is for me to sit down and do it.
Now that I have sat here and done that, I remember how it gets done. All the mental writing in the world does not translate into producing good old fashion hard copy.
Just because I might be a little smarter than the average, I still have to resort to the same process as every other human being. I have to actually sit down and put pen to paper, or in my case fingers to keyboard. You would think that the availability of my own personal typewriter, with multi-page memory, spell checker and plenty of carbon paper so as not to waste the ribbon, which I also currently have in ample supply would be enough of an incentive.
It is really. Actually since the only time I use the ribbon is when I do the final copy of a letter or post, the faster the ribbons go, the more writing that is being mailed out.
I have plenty to write about. I even came across a legal case from Florida, where else, that makes me almost feel bad for whining about my sentence. I did say almost. I also have a case that shows for sure justice is not blind, and certainly not fair.
Hopefully, I have recovered from the severe bout of laziness that I have allowed to plague me and the words will continue to flow. Place your bets as to if I will succeed.