I never did hear from the typewriter company
after my last letter and have now given up on any hope of a replacement. I will try and find out how it got so screwed up when Mom and Dad come up.
I am rapidly losing steam here. I know it is not your fault and I am not upset with anything you are doing.
It is just I am really missing the support systems, such as they were, at Club Fed and the fact that I could really be here for the next four, nine, or maybe even fifteen years is really beginning to weigh heavy on me.
I guess I am holding off coming up with a way to deal with that issue as long as there is a slim hope of the appeal process coming through.
Of course I have contradicted myself; I am dealing with it now, and it is causing serious depression.
The legal work I have been helping a few of the other inmates with further disturbs me as to show how the system can easily be manipulated to keep an inmate from being released on parole!
That is just the tip of the iceberg and you will be getting more of these thoughts in the near future.
Remember me mentioning
Sal, the guy who kidnapped
Katie Beers? He is supposedly going home next year after doing twelve years. One of the other inmates was saying how he really got screwed getting so much time.
Correct me if you can or care to: did he not get charged with raping Katie Beers? Or was it less serious?
Sick joke going around about his upcoming release. Hamburgers on the back deck,
Beers in the basement. There are some things that I just do not understand.
Well 9:00 PM I am going to take a short break and then proof and print.