Random Thoughts.
"This Makes No Sense" Department:
As many of you may know, I am currently able to send clearly typed letters and posts to my editor. He is able to scan and OCR with minimal effort. The only hitch in this process is that the ribbons for my typewriter are costing fifteen to twenty cents per page.
I am currently using ten-characters to the inch print wheel. The typewriter can also accept twelve and fifteen characters to the inch wheels. I set the pitch to the fifteen characters setting and the funny thing is it does not seem to change the way the ribbon is advanced. I would have thought that the ribbon advance would have been synchronized to the advance of the print wheel, in other words by using the smaller characters the ribbon should not advance as much.
Even if I were to invest in another print wheel I would still use the same amount of ribbon. Think about it: by rights a twelve-character to the inch print wheel should increase my ribbon yield by twenty percent, and a fifteen-character to the inch wheel should have offered a fifty percent increase. That would certainly be nice. Just like the ink jet and laser printer market, the profit for the companies and the cost for the consumer are in the consumables.
I am on a streak. The last four special occasions that required a greeting card to be sent, I have not only designed four totally different cards, but each and every one has been mailed in time to arrive at the proper destination on or before the data it was needed. Before I started typing this post, I completed a wedding anniversary card for my Mom and Dad. They have been married for over fifty years. Go Mom and Dad.
The pictures in the New York Times of the hurricane ravaged areas are absolutely unbelievable. I received Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday papers today. I am overwhelmed.
While I was directly responsibility for landing myself in prison, I certainly understand all too well the sense of loss the people are feeling. As I said earlier my current physical accommodations are certainly better than those stuck in the devastated areas, floods, no utilities, no food. While I have little privacy, I still have more space around my bunk than the pictures of the cots in the Astrodome show.
I have not been doing nothing over the last few weeks; I have spent a lot of time reading and will include my latest reading list with this post.