Can I Be Me, or Am I Just Another Inmate?
I am still sitting on my bunk wanting to get my thoughts gown on paper so I can then type them up and get them on to the blog.
I have collected many articles that highlight what individuals have been able to accomplish by not allowing normal standards, expectations or rules and regulations to limit them in the approach to something that they feel strongly about.
Okay I am now doing what it fairly easy for me. I am helping another inmate decipher the latest information he received regarding his ability to receive good time and get out of here sooner rather than later.
This has caused the abandonment of this post for tonight. Two for two. This is why I really need to do the writing in the evening after lights out when there are fewer distractions.
I did help another inmate earlier this afternoon by typing up four pages he needed to present to the court that might actually result in him getting out of here and be a free person while the court is deciding on his appeal. That would be good for him and I would feel good that I helped him get that relief.
It is now 9:15 PM. I have completed three pages that are direct posts. I would like to also write a letter to the editor, and promised a couple of fellow inmates that there would be some black beans and rice yet tonight. I should also take a shower.
That is all not going to happen by 11:00 PM.
Okay here is the deal. I will start cooking now. Should be done by 10:15 PM and then have time for a quick shower.
I will include a handwritten note to my editor and keep a carbon copy to type out in the morning, or maybe the afternoon tomorrow.
Stomach is growling. Dinner tonight was one overcooked, crunchy rectangle of pizza. Need something more substantial to eat NOW! But even now means about forty-five minutes from the time I start.
Gotta go.