Inside the Locker Door.
The only personal space we have here is our lockers. We are allowed to 'decorate' the inside of the locker doors (30" x 16") in any manner we would like.
The inside of the door that faces my bed, and is the side that is open the most, has the following 'headline' size quotes, all culled from the New York Times:
"This Might Hurt A Little"
"Rest and Relaxation at Last"
"Surrounded by Stupidity"
"First, Kill All the Lawyers? Nah, Give 'Em Therapy"
"Are You Scary Smart?"
"If You Think One Person Can't Make a Difference... Think Again."
The following quote was printed in mirror image in the paper, I cannot type mirror image, but perhaps my editor might figure a way to do it. If not, you will just have to picture as mirror type, which is the reason I have added it to my collection.
"People Notice When Something's Different"
In addition I have three 'strings' of used Commemorative stamps (over 35 stamps) hanging down from the top of the door, and a Catamount Ski Area trail map.
Just thought I would share that for what it is worth.