An Inside Look At the Wheels Turning.
There is no way to truly decide which articles one should save. I am not good at remembering details, but once I read about something, I generally can recall the subject and in this current place and time, put my hands on the article to refresh my gray matter as to the specifics. So how can I still retain some 'Memory' of the articles and not create a rat’s nest of paper clippings. Most of the correction officers will be angry when they do the random searches of my locker and find all the articles.
If I was out there in the free world, I would simply set up a database, scan in the articles and toss the paper. Since I am not on the outside, although in this case the opposite means I am an insider and that is not a good thing, I am thinking one of the following might be a workable solution.
I send the articles I clip to my editor, and ask him to scan them into a file and create a real simple database that would store the article as an image file, along with the title, as an indexed field. I would maintain a list of the articles I send and if I needed to review a particular article I would simply give the editor the title and he would print out the image. Even simpler, I would assign a number to each article, that could be used as a file name, and I would manually keep track of the subject / title of each article. That would be really simple.
A slightly more high tech approach would be to sign up for the annual subscription to the Electronic Edition of the paper. Here I would type out the proper title for each article and I am assuming that the list could easily be formatted to point to the specific article on the Times Website. Now I know once the article has been located it can be printed out, and then one could manually scan it back into a local program and build a subset of the website for instant access to any article I had selected.
As long as the annual subscription was paid there would be no need to actually download any articles.
In its simplest form, I would be responsible for paying the annual fee and maintaining the title of the articles I might went to recall at some point. No real effort needed by the editor until I wanted a particular article, and then he would log on to the website and locate the article, and print it out. That would certainly be the K.I.S.S. solution.
My tech question: is there a way to locate an article, and without first printing it out, transfer the article to a local drive. Since the access would be paid for on an annual basis, the articles could be pulled up at a time convenient to the editor.