I have been really feeling blue
and that has certainly resulted in the lack of any mail heading your way. I was expecting a bunch of stuff to happen over the last two weeks and none of it has happened.
I did get another shipment of books from you yesterday. THANK YOU. I also received your latest letter last Friday, and a letter from Calulu. That is it for the last seven days.
I was hoping to hear back from the church. My Dad had promised to send an new hot pot to one of the guys that I cook for, I was hoping for a letter from Annabel (she was going to write over Thanksgiving now postponed to Christmas) and I am still waiting for my monthly food delivery from Mom and Dad, mentioned by them in a letter, and last but not least the books that Bobbielou ordered for me.
I know the books are on the way, but the waiting is driving me crazy. I am going to be reading one of your books that just arrived. It is one from the Old England romance genre. There was also a basketball book in this shipment about one of the coaches for the Boston Celtics I think.