Clean Clothes.
It is 9:00 PM and it has been a busy typing today for me. I received, well my 'client' received the answer from the Attorney General in yesterday's legal mail, and this morning I finished up a reply to their answer.
I did walk for two hours Monday and Tuesday, but knew I needed to get some 'work' done so I have been sitting at my 'desk' most of the day. In addition to the legal work, I typed out the final print of four pages of an unknown number of pages letter for an inmate that has a beef going with the chaplain.
He happens to be one of the inmates that works in the laundry so in return for working in his letter, he makes sure my clothes come back clean! My whites are almost white after three washes, and they even smell like they have been cleaned!
I type in about four pages and give him a draft to proof, and then print up three copies at one time all using carbon paper. That way I do not eat up the ribbon. Then I finally proofed the letter that has been hanging out in the memory of the WordSmith since Sunday! OOPS!
This evening I have been going over the parole case law. I have spent time (like the last twenty minutes) talking with Roger. I am possibly moving to be his Bunkie, and have become his sanity claus [sic]. He comes to me complaining about all the other inmates that drive him crazy. Well I have all sorts of roles to fill here. Meantime I still have not read any papers today. I took the Sunday paper out of the locker this morning and it is now 9:25 PM.
I have been thinking about the whole 'perfection' thing you mentioned. One example I thought of is looking at the way I can (Roger back for another 5 minutes) communicate. I can dash off a handwritten letter, type a draft letter, proof it and then print a final copy using either the ribbon (perfect finished product) or a piece of carbon to save ribbon. I have also typed directly using the ribbon and not typed it into the memory first.
You have received some of each of the above. Each letter still communicated my thoughts, but the look and 'feel' of the letters certainly varied.
I think one thing to keep in mind is that everything one does not have to be perfect, but one should have some areas that you hold yourself to high standards, but even in that area be willing to accept some variety depending on what life is throwing at you at the time.
It is almost count time, and I will need to proof and print this one pager. More to follow.
I'm now listening to "Arlington"...very touching lyrics... interesting take on veterans and war. Let me know if you look at the lyrics.
Of course there are other great lighter songs such as "
Tequila Makes her Clothes Fall Off."