A Letter to Mom and Dad.
Just sent this along in case you are in the mood to post it to the blog. I thought it might be nice to show once in a while I do recognize all the things my parents do for me. And look no whining!
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hello. I have not heard from the rolling hills of Pennsylvania lately.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all you have done for me. Today's activities include a lunch of octopus in honey mustard sauce, (monthly allowance) and letter writing and legal assistance for three of my fellow inmates.
Between the high protein lunch, a few Diet Cokes (caffeine for ADD) and the great WordSmith typewriter (memory and spell checker) I was able to help others with things that I do well.
We had a little snow over the weekend, and are now due for yet another warm spell. Drat. The way the heat in this place is currently working is that if the temperature is anything over thirty degrees we get to roast inside. I have been walking around the dorm in my shorts and a T-shirt! This is also a drag in the evening as using my nice thick, and comforting fake velour blanket works too well at keeping me warm and I end up tossing it on the floor.
There you have it, a quick look at how I am doing. I hope you are both well and that this warmer weather is also helping keep you heating cost down.