More Books.
I received yet another random assortment of books from my hard-working, much appreciated editor on Friday.
Among this shipmentâs titles was "Split Second" by David Baldacci. He is one of my favorite writers and is very good at using some of life's usual occurrences and having them be part of a sinister plot.
I started reading the book immediately, and with the exception of four hours of movie watching, I have been reading this book. I am now on 409 of 496 pages and will finish the book once I get the mail out, and the lights go out.
Well there is the typing of a few posts and a letter to a friend who happens to have red hair and a strong dislike for octopus. I believe her exact word was "Yuk"
It is now time for the 9:45 PM Count and then I will return for the old Proof and Print cycle.