The only mail I received in the last two weeks
is the two letters from you and one from Calulu.
Calulu is the only one that has been a regular correspondent, and with her recent surgery she will be off the computer for quite a while.
The blog still is a way for me to vent some of my thoughts and keeps me humble. I do get occasional kudos when some of my opinions ring a chord with someone else. I would like to continue, and feel the blog gives me a vital forum for sharing my thoughts.
But perhaps a break is a good thing. I would like to understand more of the technical side of the blog, what you find as a pain, and perhaps we can come up with an alternative system.
I need to print out this last page and then go cook dinner. I will then come back and finish off my letter to Bobbielou.
Things to think about. Would it be easier if you were to broadcast a weekly (or monthly) email of my writings? We could maintain a web site with my past writings and have those interested enter an email address. That would certainly eliminate spam. Perhaps the web site would contain my address and anyone that wanted to write to me would have that option.
Since you have little trouble scanning my letters, the email would go out as I sent it, with any errors being strictly my responsibility. Again just random thoughts if you do want to have some sort of role in dissemination of my ramblings let me know all the negatives and let me get a better grasp of the problems.
I think there is a real market for designing a usage of the Internet that allows for tighter control and may also require the use of some brain cells. I think it was a wireless phone company that I read about in the NYT Business section that wanted to allow the downloading of ring tones or some other type of data to their phone.
No I know what it was. It was the ability of a web site to establish an instant live 'phone' call with a prospective customer. They wanted the connection to be automatic, and 'catch' a person as they were about to exit the site. The 'packaged' software available for this process was deemed to be unmanageable as the size of the module that would be needed to be loaded onto the user’s machine was too large. They designed a custom application and it was only five percent of the size of the 'package' software.
So there are my thoughts for now. Hope you are doing well and you did get to spend some time on the slopes.