Well the "stick pins in the Prison Pete doll" crowd has been working overtime tonight.
Remember where you where 30 years ago around this time of the year? Specifically the 1st of June. It was on that day that the ex and I were married. Wow, thirty years.
You were at my wedding were you not? Were you one of the ushers? The photos of that infamous day are hopefully somewhere in my parent's abode. I took them all when the divorce happened. Pissed off the ex too.
The weird part today was the wonderful eclectic radio station here played our song, "IF" by Bread, (If a picture paints a thousand words...) not once but twice in a three hour period! Of all the thousands of songs they have to draw from, why the hell did they have to play that song twice in a few hours!
It is now 9:40 PM and I am still going to send my usual Thursday pen pal letters. I have not gotten any replies in a while.
The last time I wrote a bunch of letters without getting an answer was back when I was in the County Jail, and I was writing daily letters to Karen. Then one day I got about ten letters back as undeliverable and over then next few days, the other twenty or so letters all were returned to me.
I will see what happens this time.
I did actually get a letter written by my Mom on Tuesday, and the food Care package showed up on Monday. Mom was thanking me for my original Mother's Day Card.
Time to go.