Strange Dynamics.
Now 8:30 PM and the sky is pouring rain down upon us. I am just out of the shower so maybe I will be able to not get all sticky for a few hours.
Did I mention that the
inmate who was harassing me has been moved to a single cube directly across from me? Yes, I get to lie in my bed and look across to his bunk. Our regular day shift officer has been out for two weeks, so hopefully he should be back by Friday and will move a whole bunch of people around and move this
pain in the ass inmate to another cube.
Today this cretin actually tried to talk to me like we are best friends. It turned out he thought I could be helpful in procuring some additional fans for our unit. Something they are no longer doing.
Another strange dynamic. We had a very obviously gay black guy move into our unit. He was in medical, where I ended up after work to have my hand looked at. Only antibiotic ointment and band-aids for me.
Well as we are walking back up the hill, he is talking to me and I do not realize at this point that he has moved into our unit. He is complaining about the harassment he has been getting. Apparently this is his first trip to prison. Me, I know that if I am seen talking to him I will get harassed too. Where I was before you could socialize with whoever you wanted to with little repercussions.
I would like to be able to talk to him and give him some of my prison wisdom, but for now I have enough trouble being seen walking back from choir practice with the director who is also outwardly gay, and luckily not in my unit.
The rain has subsided a bit. It was coming down in buckets. But at least it has cooled the dorm off a bit.