How to Train a Woman.
Here is something related to the subject of sharing thoughts on our personal struggles.
Did you notice the two letters to the editor printed in the Friday, July 7, 2007 NY Times? They were written in response to a column by
Maureen Dowd which I did not read. As luck would have it I had already passed on the July 5 paper.
I still have a locker full of Sunday papers, but I have been getting rid of the other six days without putting them in the "to be read" pile in the locker.
The column was titled, "
How to Train a Woman," and if you get the chance maybe you could send me a copy and I should probably use it as basis for a post!
One letter was written by a male, and in part says:
"I have been in a few long-term relationships, and find that the ones that soon sour are those where I feel the other person starts trying to change me." [Other person is presumably a woman, but he uses other person? strange]
The other letter is from a woman, an elementary school teacher. She writes:
"After many years of describing my students' conduct, an older, wiser woman said ’You cannot control someone else's behavior, but you can control how you respond to.’That is something I have learned over the last six or seven years. Not that I always remember it. I still have ideas that my parents will be something different, but alas...
There are plenty of lessons my parents tried to teach me, but alas it took me throwing my life away and causing great harm to my own family for me to learn them.
Well, I was just gently reminded that it is almost 10:00 PM so let me put this letter to bed for the night.