I have been laughing at myself
how easy it has been even at the ripe old age of 50 to act like a kid again. When things get a little tough, okay maybe very tough, I choose to withdraw instead of reaching out.
I know there is a difference between writing a bunch of whinny crap about life being unfair and woe is me, and being able to write my way through the dark times, but I did not do that.
I have wanted to write a post about "Yes, life is unfair. But it is relative, and remember you can not choose your relatives."
One easy example. We can purchase a set of plastic utensils. This is not even the really strong stuff. It is the type that one might buy for a picnic or other outdoor eating event. The box contains eight each: forks; spoons; knives. Although we only pay about sixty cents for the box, I diligently wash the plasticware after each use.
This is a very simple example but I promise more insightful writing to come.
The temperature here is jumping all over the place and driving my asthma crazy.
I will review your last letter in greater detail and promise another letter soon. Have you mended? Did you get any skiing in? How goes the job?
We recently added the IFC channel to our televisions. Is there an easy way for you to get me a schedule of movies? Try IFC.COM. The NY Times does not include a weekly TV guide in the subscription I get, so I always find out a day too late what movies they were showing.
I would appreciate getting the little blurb about what the movie is about. Can you get specific channels from the NYT website? The local paper that some of the officers get does not list that channel.
Do they still publish TV Guide? Maybe I will just order that and try yet another way to show I am not such a bad guy. Maybe you could send me the necessary information to order TV Guide? Just a thought.
Well that is all for now. Much more to write and this is certainly not one of my all time best letters. Let us get the conversations rolling again. I have missed hearing from you and I am sorry I have dropped my side of the letter writing also.