On Monday I get to start a mandatory program called ART. The acronym stands for Aggression Replacement Training Program. Yeah I know there is no P, but the memo I got has Program in the title. It is an eight week program and I will have it from 3:00 to 5:30 PM, Monday to Thursday. Friday's off.
It is going to be a real test to have to spend so much time in a class room with around 15 other inmates. The program is led by inmates, and the staff person is only in the class once a week. Personally, I think existing in prison for the twelve plus years I have and not having a single ticket for fighting (or any other reason) proves beyond a doubt that I can handle my aggression.
One of the reasons I sent you that rapid response note is that I have certainly missed your letters, and when you mention you might do something I have no way of knowing if you are having any luck on the issue or not. So I sit here waiting for your letters. I know I hear you saying "no problem I will not tell him I am going to do anything then he will not expect anything." This is true, but I miss some of the things you used to do, particularly the books you were sending. You have no idea how much they are worth in here. I am surprised at the way some of the inmates clamor for books to read and anytime I can be the source of something other inmates want, my life becomes better.
You will note a few extra letters were added to the above paragraph as I had saved a few precious memory bytes in the editing of` tlthelet ter-I a1sca.1 tenbbet tbh hri le5 s i~~t ~~ not printing
oops I tried to over type that line,
You will note a few extra letters were added to the above paragraph as I had recovered a few precious bytes in the editing of this letter. I note that the damn ribbon is not flowing smoothly and some of the characters are not being properly printed. Not sure if it is a flaw of this particular cartridge or if it the machine. Will try another ribbon to check. This is the one that came with the machine. So maybe it is at fault.
Oops I told you this keyboard had a light touch. And I do not have the right correction ribbon to remove the damn d's.
Not sure if this letter will be continued tomorrow or not, but it will be on its way to you within a day or two at the most.
Would you like to know what I was going to say? Well now you know how many words fit into a 7K memory.
To read the rest of the story please stand by while I first proof and print the good copy of the above ramblings first.
I just noticed that the light part of the ribbon showed up in the second paragraph of this page. Can you still get an acceptable OCR reading of that part, presuming you can on the normal part? Is the single strike ribbon the only thing that will work?
blog bitch
The above words were added; I guess it is a politically correct spell checker.
PS: Looks like I fixed the ribbon problem. Just had to put some of the tension back in the one clip that was holding down the cartridge.